Fumigation or Tenting for Termites: What You Need to Know

Decades ago — long before the web was an everyday part of our lives — a TV commercial advertising product known as the Roach Motel declared that "roaches check in, but they never check out."

Well, if your home is turning into an all-you-can-eat buffet for drywood termites then you need whole structure fumigation for termites. This is also known as tenting for termites.  Like the Roach Motel, termites check in, but they never check out.

To help you learn more about fumigation, here are some key facts to keep in mind:

• Time is of the Essence

Some problems have a tendency to solve themselves on their own over time. For example, if your golf swing is leaning towards the right on the first nine holes, sometimes by the time you hit the back nine things have balanced out.

Unfortunately, dealing with an infestation of drywood termites isn't one of these problems that solve themselves. Remember: termites don't just live inside wood, they EAT wood! As such, it's likely that the colony will only get bigger, and that means taking action now is vital. This is especially important considering that drywood termites begin swarming in late spring and throughout the summer months.

And if you were hoping that Old Man Winter will come around in several months and turn the termite colonies into frozen lifeless wastelands, that's unlikely to happen. These resilient insects can easily and comfortably ride out the winter nestled deep inside their wooden home and food supply.

• The Process Takes Less Time than You Think (or Dread)

Some people hesitate to move ahead with tenting their home, because they're worried — or make that they dread — the thought of being out of their house for weeks. Be assured that this isn't the case.

Provided that the tenting process is managed by certified pest control experts, everything should be generally taken care of (i.e. 100% of the termite colonies will be completely destroyed) in two and half days.

What's more, the same certified pest control experts who manage the fumigation process will carefully test each room in your house with specialized diagnostic equipment, in order to ensure that it is safe for you, your family and your pets.

• Your Carpets, Furniture and Other Household Items are Safe

If you're concerned that fumigation for termites will leave a permanent residue in your household items, then don't worry: this won't be the case. Your home will be back to normal, and free of pesky and dangerous drywood termites.

The Bottom Line

Termites are a surprisingly common problem in South Florida. In fact, according to research by entomologists at the University of Florida, termites are predicted to damage over 50 percent of South Florida structures (residential and commercial) by the year 2040. As such, if your home is infested with termites, then you certainly aren't alone. Many people in the Sarasota area feel your pain.


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